The Code Conundrum

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George and Tom, dressed casually in jeans and shirts, in a modern network office, sitting at their space-grey computers, absorbed in a deep conversation.

 George and Tom, dressed casually in jeans and shirts, in a modern network office, sitting at their space-grey computers, absorbed in a deep conversation.

As distinguished computer scientists, George with his blond streaks and glasses, and Tom with his unruly black hair and intense gaze, sit in their minimalist black and white office, immersed in a heated talk about advanced coding languages.

Tom and George, donning their jackets and grabbing their takeaway coffees, in front of a backdrop of tall, mature trees signaling the entrance to a lush local park.

 Tom and George, donning their jackets and grabbing their takeaway coffees, in front of a backdrop of tall, mature trees signaling the entrance to a lush local park.

Sensing the frustration growing between them regarding the appropriate language for their upcoming project, George suggests a walk in a nearby park to clear their minds.

George and Tom, illuminated by the soft, yellowish lamp post light in the twilight, celebrating their decision with a friendly fist bump and relaxed expressions.

 George and Tom, illuminated by the soft, yellowish lamp post light in the twilight, celebrating their decision with a friendly fist bump and relaxed expressions.

As day turned into evening, under the park's dim lamp posts, George and Tom arrived at a compromise, choosing Python as their project's coding language due to its readability and versatility!